Walker Logistics

Walker Logistics is the trucking company found on Elysian Island. It is indicated on the map by a Red Semi Truck Icon.
Pay Scale
Pay for each delivery can range from $500 to $1500 depending on factors such as time and distance.
Walker Logistics primarily focuses on freight shipping between large facilities such as the Jetsam Terminal and Distribution Warehouses around Los Santos. Some deliveries are easily and quickly repeated, however some have cooldowns on them.
Trucking Vehicle
The truck used for Walker Logistics is a red colored Packer, along with a white container style trailer, or a blue tarp colored trailer, depending on the variation of the trailer that spawns. The truck and trailer can be returned at anytime inside the Walker Logistics warehouse to receive full credit. If the truck and trailer are not returned, a maximum penalty of $1500 will be deducted from the trucking payout. If there is less than $1500 in payout, all the money will be retained. You must return to Walker Logistics to end the job and receive payment, even if the truck is destroyed or stolen.